The Secret to Jason Kelce’s Positive Energy

Jason Kelce has been a mainstay on the Philadelphia Eagles offensive line since 2011. While his play on the field has earned him accolades like three Pro Bowl selections and a Super Bowl championship, Kelce is perhaps even more renowned for his infectious positive energy both on and off the field.

Even in the face of adversity or defeat, Kelce maintains an upbeat, optimistic attitude. His teammates consistently praise his leadership and the way he lifts those around him up. But what contributes to Kelce’s unwavering positivity? Let’s take a deeper look.

Perspective from Experience

With over a decade in the NFL under his belt, Kelce has experienced just about everything the league has to offer – highs, lows, injuries, wins, losses, and everything in between. This perspective likely helps him maintain an even keel.

“When you play as long as I have, you realize that one game isn’t the end of the world,” Kelce said. “There are always ups and downs over the course of a season. I try to keep things in perspective and remember that as long as we stick together as a team, we’ll be okay.”

Kelce is no stranger to adversity, having overcome injuries like a sports hernia that sidelined him for much of the 2015 season. Experiencing major setbacks like that has likely taught him to take the wins and losses in stride.

Beyond his NFL experience, Kelce’s perspective is also shaped by his family background. His older brother, Travis Kelce, is a star tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs who just helped lead them to a Super Bowl title. Growing up in a football family has exposed Jason to the ups and downs of the sport from a young age.

“I think having Travis in the league before me helped me understand what it takes to have success in the NFL,” Jason said. “I’ve learned from his experiences too. It gives me confidence to know that I’ve been around the game my whole life.”

This well-rounded perspective allows Kelce to maintain composure and a positive outlook, regardless of results on game day. He understands the ebbs and flows of a season in a way that perhaps only a veteran with family football roots truly can.

Leadership Through Positivity

In addition to leading by example with his play, Kelce is a vocal leader who lifts his teammates up with positivity. After games, whether victory or defeat, he can always be found in the locker room with an encouraging message.

“This guy is the best,” said Eagles tight end Zach Ertz. “No matter what happens out there, you know you’re going to get an uplifting speech from Jason. He never lets us get too high or too low, which is so important for the mentality of our team.”

Kelce’s locker room speeches have become legendary in Philadelphia. Even after close losses or disappointing performances, he finds a way to spin things in a positive light and emphasize staying united as a team.

“I try to point out the things we did well and say that if we stick together and keep working, we’ll get the job done,” Kelce explained. “It’s important that everyone in this locker room feels supported. My goal is to lift my teammates up so we can go out next week ready to win.”

Rather than channeling negativity after setbacks, Kelce leads by exuding positivity and optimism. His vocal encouragement of teammates seems to be a driving force behind the Eagles’ ability to bounce back from adversity year after year.

Mental Training for a Positive Mindset

It’s likely no coincidence that Kelce maintains such a sunny disposition. Behind the scenes, he employs targeted mental techniques to cultivate a positive mindset.

Visualization is a key part of Kelce’s routine. He visualizes positive scenarios like big blocks and his team celebrating victories. This trains his brain to associate football with positive feelings and outcomes.

“I like to visualize making the big plays before games,” Kelce revealed. “It gets me excited and focused on executing to the best of my ability. I think positively seeing it happen in my head helps make it more likely to happen for real on Sunday.”

Kelce also relies on affirmations, repeating positive mantras to himself daily. Phrases like “I am strong, confident, and in control” become ingrained in his subconscious. This reinforces feelings of empowerment and composure.

Meditation is another practice Kelce uses to maintain mental clarity and positivity. Clearing his mind allows him to avoid overthinking and stay present in each moment.

These targeted techniques are an integral part of Kelce’s training, right up there with physical workouts. His mental preparation clearly contributes to leading the Eagles with an unwavering positive mindset game after game.

A Naturally Optimistic Personality

Beyond the perspective and techniques, Kelce’s teammates and coaches also attribute part of his positivity to just being his genuine, cheerful self. At his core, he seems to have an innate optimism.

“I don’t think the positive attitude is something he has to try at – it’s just who he is,” said Eagles head coach Nick Sirianni. “This guy walks around with a smile on his face and energy in his step. It rubs off on everyone he comes into contact with.”

Kelce’s family echoes that assessment. His mother, Donna Kelce, recalls him always being the even-keeled, cheerful one growing up – even in the face of setbacks as a kid.

“As a little boy, if Jason fell down playing outside, he’d just dust himself off with a smile,” she said. “I don’t ever remember him getting too high or too low emotionally. He’s always had a naturally sunny personality.”

This disposition serves Kelce well in the high-pressure world of the NFL. While he puts in work to further develop his mental skills, at his core he seems predisposed to meeting challenges with optimism. Teammates say it makes him uniquely suited to captaining a team with his positivity.

Leaving a Positive Legacy

Now in his 11th NFL season, Kelce shows no signs of losing his upbeat energy or approach. If anything, he feels it’s more important than ever as he enters the later stages of his career.

“As one of the older guys now, I want to leave a legacy of always staying positive and keeping this team together through anything,” Kelce stated. “The younger guys are watching – I hope they take away that no matter the situation, your attitude and work ethic are what really matter.”

Kelce aims to set an example of mental fortitude and positivity for generations of Eagles to come. Based on the admiration of his current teammates, he’s undoubtedly making an impact.

Between his perspective, leadership, mindset work, and natural disposition, Kelce has seemingly found the perfect formula for unwavering positivity. It’s a big part of why he’s been able to sustain an impressive career and leave his unique mark on Philadelphia as a captain. His energy continues lifting up those around him, game after game, season after season.