Jason Kelce’s Recipe for Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

The path through life is rarely smooth. Along the way, we all face hurdles, hardships, and moments that test our resolve. How we respond to these challenges ultimately shapes our character and determines our ability to grow. For Jason Kelce, a ten-year NFL veteran and three-time Pro Bowl center for the Philadelphia Eagles, overcoming obstacles has become a way of life both on and off the field. Through grit, optimism, self-awareness and humor, Kelce has developed a recipe for resilience that has allowed him to thrive in the face of adversity.

### A Foundation of Grit

At the core of Kelce’s philosophy lies an unwavering determination known as “grit.” Coined by psychologist Angela Duckworth, grit refers to passion and perseverance for long-term goals despite setbacks. It’s the quality that allows someone to push through challenges when the going gets tough rather than giving up at the first sign of resistance. For Kelce, developing this grit started at a young age through sports. As a three-sport athlete in high school and a walk-on at the University of Cincinnati, he learned the value of hard work and perseverance.

“I’ve always had to work for everything I’ve gotten,” says Kelce. “Whether it was in high school trying to earn a starting spot or walking on in college, I’ve never been handed anything. That experience taught me to keep grinding no matter what.”

This grit was put to the test early in Kelce’s NFL career. After being drafted by the Eagles in the sixth round of the 2011 NFL Draft, Kelce suffered a devastating knee injury in training camp that required microfracture surgery, a procedure that often ends careers. Doctors told him he may never play football again. But through relentless rehab and determination, Kelce fought his way back, making his NFL debut the following season.

“The injury was definitely the biggest obstacle I’ve had to overcome so far,” recalls Kelce. “There were definitely some dark moments wondering if I’d ever play again. But I just kept putting in the work, trusting the process, and staying determined. I wasn’t ready to be done yet.”

Since returning from that injury, Kelce has established himself as one of the top centers in the NFL. He’s started 125 games over the past nine seasons while playing through countless other minor injuries. His ability to battle through adversity with grit and passion has become legendary in Philadelphia. As he says, “It’s not always going to be easy. You’re going to face setbacks. But you have to find a way to keep going.”

### Maintaining an Optimistic Outlook

While grit provides the determination to push through challenges, maintaining a positive outlook is also crucial for staying motivated according to Kelce. Even during his darkest days rehabbing from microfracture surgery, he made a conscious effort to remain optimistic that he could come back stronger.

“It’s so important to stay positive, even when things aren’t going your way,” says Kelce. “If I started to get down on myself during rehab, I probably wouldn’t be playing today. You have to believe that you can overcome whatever obstacle is in front of you.”

This optimism serves Kelce well both on and off the field. Between injuries, losses, critics, and the other obstacles that come with a decade-long NFL career, it would be easy for negativity and doubt to creep in. But Kelce makes a point to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel rather than dwelling on short-term setbacks.

“In this league, you’re going to face adversity every single week whether it’s an injury, a loss, or just things not going your way,” he explains. “You have to stay optimistic that you’ll bounce back even when it’s tough. That mindset is what gets me through the downs and keeps me motivated for the ups.”

Kelce also believes maintaining optimism helps him perform at his best. When he trusts in his preparation and believes in his ability to succeed, it allows him to play with confidence. And confidence, as any athlete knows, is half the battle. By choosing to see the glass as half full even in difficult moments, Kelce sets himself up to overcome whatever obstacles are in his path.

### Understanding Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Another crucial ingredient in Kelce’s recipe for resilience is self-awareness. Understanding his strengths and weaknesses allows him to navigate obstacles more effectively by playing to his strengths and addressing weaknesses proactively. Through a decade of NFL experience and continuous self-reflection, Kelce has gained tremendous insight into himself as both an athlete and person.

“The more self-aware you are, the better equipped you’ll be to handle challenges,” Kelce explains. “You have to know your strengths so you can rely on them when times get tough. And you need to identify weaknesses to improve in areas that could hold you back.”

For Kelce, one of his greatest strengths is his mental toughness and ability to power through pain and adversity. He leans on this gritty mindset during grueling games and difficult rehab stints. At the same time, he’s worked to develop weaknesses like quickness and athleticism through rigorous offseason training.

Kelce also understands that as he’s aged into his mid-30s, recovery and maintenance are more important than ever. He’s highly attuned to his body’s limits and what it needs to perform optimally on Sundays. This self-awareness, built over a career’s worth of experience, allows him to maximize his strengths and minimize potential obstacles related to weaknesses or age.

Beyond physical attributes, Kelce’s self-awareness extends to his emotional intelligence as well. He recognizes how to regulate his energy levels and stay even-keeled amid the highs and lows of competition. This composure serves him well when dealing with adversity, both on and off the field. At his core, Kelce understands himself as an athlete and person in a way that few others do. And that understanding is a superpower for overcoming any challenge that comes his way.

### The Power of Humor

While determination, optimism and self-awareness form the backbone of Kelce’s approach, he also mixes in a secret ingredient that many overlook – humor. The ability to laugh, even during hard times, is crucial for maintaining perspective and lightening heavy loads according to Kelce. Whether it’s cracking jokes with teammates in the locker room or poking fun at himself in interviews, Kelce’s lighthearted nature serves him well.

“If you can’t find humor even in tough situations, then things are going to feel a lot heavier than they need to be,” he says. “Laughter is so important for boosting your mood, reducing stress and just making the grind more enjoyable. It provides a release.”

Kelce tries to bring levity to everything he does from pre-game speeches to rehab sessions. He believes maintaining joy and fun is vital for long-term motivation and resilience, especially in a grueling sport like football. While he takes his job seriously, he doesn’t take himself too seriously. This humor helps him stay loose amid pressure.

Teammates and coaches remark that Kelce’s upbeat presence has a positive effect on those around him as well. In the tense, high-stakes world of the NFL, his lighthearted leadership acts as a calming force in the locker room. It reminds everyone to have fun with the game and not get too high or low during the rollercoaster of a season.

While humor may seem like a small ingredient, Kelce swears by its ability to transform difficult situations. A good laugh can provide the boost needed to get through one more rep in the weight room or bounce back from a tough loss. And in overcoming life’s obstacles, every little bit of perspective and joy makes the load feel lighter along the way.

### The Importance of Humility

Another underrated quality in Kelce’s recipe is humility – the ability to acknowledge one’s limitations and remain open to growth. Despite achieving great success as an NFL ironman and Super Bowl champion, Kelce approaches each day with humility, recognizing he doesn’t have all the answers. This attitude allows him to continuously learn and get better.

“Ego and arrogance will only hold you back,” Kelce asserts. “You have to go into each experience thinking you can improve. Be humble and willing to listen to advice, whether it’s from coaches trying to make you a better player or people in your personal life.”

Kelce looks for wisdom everywhere from veteran teammates to film study. He’s unafraid to admit when he makes a mistake and works tirelessly to correct weaknesses. Even now in his 11th season, he approaches practices and games with the mindset of a rookie trying to earn his spot. This humility and teachability have allowed Kelce to prolong his career far beyond expectations.

Off the field, Kelce credits his family, friends and support system for keeping him grounded through success. He understands that as an athlete, he’s privileged to play a game for a living. This perspective fosters appreciation for each opportunity rather than entitlement. Kelce’s humility makes him attentive, teachable and constantly looking to grow wiser – all attributes that serve him well when facing obstacles.