The Blessings and Burdens of Fame: Jason Kelce’s Perspective

For over a decade, Jason Kelce has been a mainstay on the Philadelphia Eagles offensive line, establishing himself as one of the best centers in the NFL. His accomplishments on the field have brought him fame and recognition from Eagles fans and football fans across the country. However, with fame comes both blessings and burdens that Kelce has had to navigate throughout his career. While his celebrity status has provided financial security and a platform to advocate for causes, it has also meant increased scrutiny, pressure to perform, and a loss of privacy in his personal life. As Kelce enters his mid-30s and ponders how much longer he wants to continue playing, he has gained valuable perspective on both the rewards and challenges that come with being a famous athlete.

One of the clear blessings of fame for Kelce is the recognition and adulation he receives from Eagles fans and the city of Philadelphia. Growing up just outside of Philadelphia, Kelce has lived out his dream of having a long, successful career with his hometown team. “It’s awesome to play for the city and fans that I grew up watching and rooting for,” Kelce said. Wherever he goes in Philadelphia, fans recognize him and express their appreciation for his contributions to the Eagles over the past decade. This level of recognition is gratifying for any athlete and confirms that all the hard work and sacrifices Kelce has made to stay at an elite level are appreciated. The respect he garners from teammates, coaches, and others around the league also serves as a source of pride and validation for everything he has achieved on the gridiron.

In addition to the admiration of others, Kelce’s fame has also brought significant financial benefits. As one of the top centers in the NFL for many years, Kelce has earned over $50 million in salary alone during his career according to Spotrac. This level of earning power is life-changing and has provided Kelce and his family financial security that most people will never experience. “Being able to provide for my family long after I’m done playing is a blessing I don’t take for granted,” Kelce said. The money from his NFL contracts has allowed Kelce to invest in real estate, start a few small businesses, and set himself up for long-term success well into retirement from football. Endorsement deals and other sponsorship opportunities stemming from his celebrity have added to Kelce’s wealth as well. While fame does not guarantee riches, in Kelce’s case it has certainly led to financial benefits that will last for generations.

In addition to financial gains, Kelce’s status as a famous NFL star has given him a prominent platform to advocate for causes important to him. Always outspoken, Kelce has used his celebrity to bring attention to issues like veterans’ mental health, equal rights, and protecting the environment. “I feel an obligation to use the platform the NFL has given me to try and make positive change in areas I’m passionate about,” Kelce said. For example, after experiencing depression and anxiety himself following two Super Bowl wins, Kelce became vocal about destigmatizing mental health issues among current and former players. His openness about his own struggles encouraged many others to get help and pushed the league to improve support systems. Kelce also marched and fundraised during the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 to advocate for racial justice reforms. Leveraging his fame to amplify important messages is personally fulfilling for Kelce and has the potential to create real impact.

However, Kelce’s fame has also brought significant burdens and challenges he has had to navigate carefully throughout his career. Perhaps the most difficult aspect for Kelce has been losing privacy and having his every move scrutinized. As one of Philadelphia’s most prominent sports figures, it can be difficult for Kelce to go out in public without being recognized or having his picture taken. Fans and media members follow his social media accounts closely and dissect everything he posts. Even seemingly mundane activities like going to the grocery store or getting coffee become public events. “It can definitely be draining at times to never truly feel like you have moments to yourself,” Kelce admitted. While he appreciates the support of Eagles fans, the constant lack of anonymity has taken some adjustment over the years.

Along with scrutiny of his personal life, Kelce has also felt immense pressure to perform at an elite level on the field every Sunday. As the leader of the Eagles offensive line, any mistake or below-average performance is magnified and dissected ad nauseam on sports talk radio and television. Fans have high—sometimes unrealistic—expectations of perfection from star players. Several subpar games in a row can result in questions about whether age is catching up to Kelce or if he has already declined from his Pro Bowl peak. “The expectations and criticism when you don’t meet them can weigh on you mentally,” Kelce acknowledged. While he has generally thrived under pressure, a few down seasons in the latter stages of his career only amplified the pressure further. Maintaining emotional and mental resilience against this backdrop is a continual challenge.

Naturally, with the intense scrutiny also comes harsh criticism, especially when mistakes are made. A bad snap, holding penalty, or missed block becomes the headline on sports websites and talk shows. Overly critical fans take to social media with personal insults and calls for Kelce to be benched. While he tries to avoid reading negative commentary, it can be impossible to tune out completely. Several notable on-field errors over the years have resulted in vitriolic reactions from some fans that questioned not just Kelce’s performance but his character and work ethic as well. Even minor controversies off the field like traffic violations or disagreements with coaches often blow up into national stories. The intense public criticism and pressure to be perfect has undoubtedly taken a mental toll at times throughout Kelce’s long career in Philadelphia.

Perhaps the perfect example of how fame can cut both ways for Kelce came during the Eagles’ Super Bowl run in the 2017 season. After a last-second victory in the NFC Championship game, cameras caught Kelce giving an impassioned speech to his teammates. His raw emotion and colorful language went viral on social media. While many fans loved Kelce’s fiery passion, the video also attracted significant backlash. He was criticized in some circles for his language and faced questions about whether it created a bad image for the team. However, Kelce’s speech ultimately helped galvanize the Eagles and became a iconic moment in franchise history after they went on to win the Super Bowl. It showed how fame allows moments to be magnified for both praise and scrutiny.

As Kelce contemplates retirement in the next year or two, he has gained valuable perspective on fame’s double-edged sword after over a decade in the NFL spotlight. While the financial security, fan adulation, and platform for advocacy have been blessings, the loss of privacy, pressure to perform, and public criticism have also taken their toll. However, Kelce believes the rewards have generally outweighed the downsides. “I wouldn’t change anything about my career, even with all the attention and scrutiny,” he said. “To be able to win a Super Bowl for this city and organization has been worth it.” Looking back, Kelce is proud that he has generally handled fame with grace and used his platform for good. And when he does finally step away from football, he will do so with gratitude for all the blessings an NFL career has brought him, fame included.