The Importance of Sleep for Elite Athletes: Jason Kelce’s Pre-Bed Routine

As a professional athlete, getting a good night’s sleep is absolutely crucial for Jason Kelce to perform at his best on game days. While many people struggle to prioritize sleep, elite athletes like Kelce understand just how impactful rest can be for their physical and mental performance. Every small advantage matters at the highest level of competition, so Kelce has developed a carefully crafted pre-bed routine designed to maximize his sleep quality and feel fully refreshed come morning.

The demands of Kelce’s job as an NFL center require an incredible amount of physicality, stamina, quick decision making, and mental focus. Playing in the trenches against some of the strongest and fastest defenders in the world is no easy task. Kelce knows that coming into each game anything less than 100% prepared and well-rested puts him at a disadvantage. With so much on the line, he leaves nothing to chance when it comes to getting the sleep he needs to dominate on Sundays.

Avoiding Stimulants Close to Bedtime

One of the main things Kelce avoids in the hours before bed is consuming any stimulants like caffeine or alcohol that could disrupt his sleep. As a stimulant, caffeine is well known for its ability to increase alertness and energy levels. However, those same effects also make it difficult for the body to wind down at night. Even caffeine consumed earlier in the day can still be in one’s system close to bedtime due to its half-life of 5-6 hours.

For Kelce, avoiding caffeine after lunchtime is key to ensuring it has fully cleared his system by nightfall. Coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks are strictly off limits in the late afternoon and evening if he has a game the next day. While an afternoon cup of coffee is no problem for most, for an elite athlete dependent on maximizing every hour of rest, even small interruptions to sleep can negatively impact performance.

Alcohol is another stimulant Kelce stays away from in the hours before bed. While a drink or two may make some feel sleepy initially, alcohol disrupts the natural sleep cycle. It can reduce REM sleep, the most restorative stage, and cause middle-of-the-night awakenings as the body processes the toxins. Waking up still feeling groggy is the last thing Kelce needs as an NFL player. He understands that quality, uninterrupted sleep is far more important than a nightcap if he wants to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to dominate.

Eating to Promote Restful Sleep

In addition to avoiding stimulants, Kelce is also mindful of his pre-bedtime eating habits. He knows that going to sleep on a full stomach can disrupt sleep, so he avoids heavy, hard to digest meals too close to bedtime. Digestion requires a significant amount of energy and focus from the body, energy that would otherwise go towards restorative sleep.

While Kelce enjoys a hearty dinner, he makes sure to finish eating at least two to three hours before bed to allow ample time for digestion. Light, easy to digest foods high in carbohydrates and protein like Greek yogurt, oatmeal, or a turkey sandwich are preferable closer to sleep. These types of foods will provide sustained energy without sitting heavily in the stomach.

On game days, Kelce may opt for a pre-bedtime snack of banana, nut butter, and honey to replenish glycogen stores without upsetting his stomach. As an athlete dependent on his body’s ability to perform at peak levels, proper nutrition is just as important as adequate rest. By thoughtfully considering both his pre-bedtime eating and the time between meals and sleep, Kelce sets himself up for optimal recovery overnight.

Winding Down Mentally and Physically

In addition to diet, Kelce’s nightly routine focuses on gradually winding down both mentally and physically in the hours before bed. He understands the importance of transitioning his mind and body out of daytime activity mode and into rest mode. This process prevents him from feeling overly stimulated right as he’s trying to fall asleep.

In the evenings after dinner, Kelce avoids any strenuous exercise that could leave him feeling energized instead of relaxed. While staying active is crucial for his performance and recovery, he saves his toughest workouts for earlier in the day. Close to bedtime, light stretching or a leisurely walk with his family is as much exertion as he’ll get.

Mentally, Kelce also steps away from any stimulating activities in the hours before sleep. This means no intense video games, movies, or work that gets the mind racing. He might spend time reading a book but ensures it’s something light and not too engaging before lights out. Checking emails and social media are also off limits, as the blue light and notifications they emit can disrupt circadian rhythms.

Instead, Kelce focuses on quiet downtime with his wife and kids to unwind from the stresses of the day. Low-key family time playing games, telling stories, or listening to calming music allows his mind to transition into rest mode gradually. A warm bath, gentle massage, or meditation are other relaxing activities he incorporates to relax both body and mind in preparation for sleep.

Creating the Optimal Sleep Environment

In addition to his pre-bedtime routine, Kelce also pays close attention to optimizing his actual sleep environment. Proper conditions for rest are just as important as mental and physical preparation if he wants to maximize the benefits. Some things he prioritizes include:

– Darkness – Melatonin production relies on darkness, so Kelce ensures his bedroom is as dark as possible. Blackout curtains block any light pollution.

– Cool Temperature – Most sleep experts recommend around 65-67°F for optimal sleep, as higher temperatures can disrupt rest. Kelce controls the thermostat accordingly.

– White Noise – A sound machine provides soothing background noise to mask disruptive sounds that could wake him, like traffic or family activity.

– Comfort – High-quality mattress, pillows, and bedding provide support and coziness so he feels completely relaxed.

– No Electronics – All screens and devices are banned from the bedroom to avoid disruptive blue light and notifications.

– Routine – Going to bed and waking at consistent times helps regulate his body’s natural circadian rhythms for better sleep quality.

Consistency is key, so Kelce sticks closely to this optimized sleep environment and routine night after night to get his body fully accustomed to ideal conditions for rest. Small adjustments make a big difference in his ability to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night.

Prioritizing Recovery Sleep

On nights before games, Kelce takes his sleep hygiene even more seriously. He knows recovery sleep is crucial after intense practices and workouts to replenish energy stores and allow muscles and the mind to recharge. Coming into a game underslept would be a recipe for poor performance and increased injury risk.

The evening before a game, Kelce may incorporate relaxing activities like a massage, Epsom salt bath, or meditation to unwind his body on a deeper level. A healing night of sleep sets him up to feel his best when lights shine the brightest on gameday. While getting enough hours of sleep is important, Kelce also focuses on sleep quality by sticking to routines that promote deep, restorative rest.

Waking Up Refreshed

Thanks to his diligent pre-bedtime routine and optimized sleep environment, Kelce consistently wakes feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. While 8 hours is often recommended, he pays more attention to how he feels versus the clock. Some nights he may need a few extra z’s to feel fully recovered depending on his activity level. Listening to his body lets him know when high-quality rest has been achieved.

Mornings are for fueling up with a protein-packed breakfast, hydrating, and gentle movement like yoga or stretching. This allows his body to transition smoothly into higher intensity activity levels over the course of the morning and afternoon. Come game time, Kelce takes the field feeling energized, focused, and primed to dominate thanks to his commitment to maximizing recovery through excellent sleep habits.

While sleep may not seem as glamorous of a training regimen as intense weight lifting or conditioning, Kelce understands its importance better than most. Small sacrifices like avoiding late night snacks or cutting screen time earlier yield huge benefits come Sunday. Proper rest gives him the physical and mental edge to outperform opponents and help his team win. For an elite athlete, prioritizing sleep is non-negotiable. It’s a commitment that pays big dividends and helps Jason Kelce consistently perform at an All-Pro level.