# How Minimalism Became Patrick Mahomes’s Anchor

Patrick Mahomes has taken the NFL by storm since becoming the starting quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs in 2017. His dazzling on-field performances have established him as one of the top players in the league, earning him MVP honors in 2018 and a Super Bowl championship in 2020. Off the field, Mahomes is equally committed to excellence through his minimalist lifestyle philosophy. This approach to living simply with only what is truly important has become an anchor for Mahomes, guiding his approach to both his personal life and professional career.

## The Roots of Minimalism

Mahomes’s interest in minimalism began during his college years at Texas Tech University. As a student-athlete balancing football, classes, and everything else that comes with being in school, Mahomes found himself surrounded by clutter and possessions that served no real purpose. He was constantly accumulating more stuff but never taking the time to declutter.

It was around this time that Mahomes first came across the book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Japanese organizing consultant Marie Kondo. The book’s central philosophy of only keeping items that “spark joy” resonated deeply with Mahomes. He was struck by how much unnecessary clutter he had accumulated just from the everyday activities of student life. Kondo’s method of tidying by category inspired Mahomes to do a thorough decluttering of his dorm room and really analyze what items he truly valued versus what was just taking up space.

The process gave Mahomes a new perspective on material possessions. He realized how much mental and physical clutter he was carrying that didn’t serve his goals and priorities. From that point on, Mahomes was committed to living with only what he truly needed or brought him happiness. This minimalist mindset would later prove invaluable as his football career took off and his life became much more high profile and busy. Having less clutter allowed Mahomes to focus on what really mattered most.

## Decluttering for Clarity

After being inspired by Marie Kondo’s book, Mahomes embraced minimalism by doing a major decluttering of his physical space. He went through his dorm room, apartment, and later homes item by item, critically analyzing each possession and getting rid of anything that did not “spark joy.” For Mahomes, this meant donating or throwing away a significant portion of his wardrobe, electronics, books, furniture, and other belongings.

The process took time but had an immediate impact on Mahomes’s mindset. Getting physically rid of unnecessary clutter helped him to clear his headspace as well. No longer preoccupied with maintaining and storing possessions that served no purpose, Mahomes found he had more mental bandwidth available. He felt less stressed having a clean, tidy living space with only what he truly valued surrounding him.

The decluttering gave Mahomes a sense of control and intention when it came to his possessions. Going forward, he was much more mindful about what he brought into his home, only purchasing items that would genuinely improve his quality of life. This minimalist approach extended beyond just physical items—Mahomes also applied it to relationships, commitments, and activities in his life. If something wasn’t truly serving him or his goals, he had no problem letting it go to focus on what really mattered. The clarity this brought was invaluable.

## Minimalism on the Field

As his NFL career took off, Mahomes found ways to apply his minimalist mindset directly to his work as well. On the football field, there is an endless amount one could study in terms of plays, formations, defenses, and more. It would be easy for any player to feel overwhelmed trying to learn and memorize everything at once. But Mahomes recognized that true mastery comes from focusing deeply on a few key areas rather than trying to learn it all.

He worked with his coaches to identify the core plays and strategies that would form the foundation of his game. Then Mahomes drilled these intensely, running them over and over in practice until they became second nature. By keeping his football knowledge streamlined and focused, Mahomes was able to play with maximum efficiency and effectiveness on game day. There was no wasted energy on unnecessary moves or plays he wasn’t completely comfortable with.

His minimalist approach on the field paid dividends. In his first season as a starter, Mahomes threw for over 5,000 yards and 50 touchdowns, earning league MVP honors. He led dynamic, high-scoring offenses in Kansas City that confounded defenses with his precise execution of a select set of plays. While other quarterbacks might get lost studying too many options, Mahomes produced amazing results by zeroing in deeply on only what he needed to succeed. His minimalist football philosophy allowed him to play at an elite level from the very beginning of his career.

## Benefits of Minimalism for Mahomes

The impact of Mahomes’s minimalist lifestyle extends far beyond just decluttering physical spaces or focusing on football. Living with intention and focus through minimalism has provided tangible benefits across all aspects of his life:

**Reduced Stress and Anxiety** – By decluttering his environment both at home and in how he approaches commitments, Mahomes has created a much calmer, more peaceful atmosphere for himself. Not having to worry about unnecessary clutter or decisions frees up mental bandwidth and lowers his stress levels.

**Improved Focus and Concentration** – With fewer distractions both physically and mentally, Mahomes can zero in deeply on what matters most each day whether that’s football, relationships, hobbies, or other priorities. This allows him to achieve more in less time spent.

**Increased Productivity** – By eliminating clutter and unnecessary tasks, Mahomes wastes little time or energy on trivial matters. He can work efficiently and stay on track with his goals.

**Living More Intentionally** – The process of minimalism has helped Mahomes truly identify his core values and what gives him fulfillment in life. He makes decisions aligned with living intentionally according to those principles.

**Financial Benefits** – With fewer possessions requiring storage and upkeep, Mahomes spends less money over time. He also avoids impulse purchases that don’t align with his priorities.

Minimalism provides the gift of simplicity for Mahomes. By removing distractions, he can focus on maximizing his potential both on and off the field through intentional living. The mental clarity this brings is invaluable to his continued success.

## Conclusion

Since first being exposed to minimalism in college, Patrick Mahomes has embraced this lifestyle philosophy with commitment. Through decluttering his physical spaces, focusing intently on key priorities, and letting go of anything unnecessary, minimalism has become an anchor guiding Mahomes’s exemplary approach to both his career and personal life.

It is clear that the mental clarity, reduced stress, and increased focus minimalism provides have played a significant role in Mahomes’s ability to thrive as an NFL quarterback. But the benefits go far beyond just his profession. By living intentionally with only what truly matters, Mahomes has created a peaceful, productive environment allowing him to maximize his potential in all areas of his life. His embrace of minimalism offers an inspiring example of how simplifying one’s life can have profoundly positive ripple effects. Through this anchor, Mahomes continues raising the bar both on and off the field.