Hey Millennial!

Michael Jordan. Just his name brings back fond memories of living in Chicago in the 90’s. We all felt so proud to have him lead our Chicago Bulls. To me, there is no greater player than him. Michael exemplified resilience and perseverance in pursuing his dreams both athletically and business-wise. It got me thinking. What are some life and business lessons I can learn from Jordan’s extraordinary career?

1. Embrace Failure As A Learning Opportunity: Michael Jordan faced numerous failures and setbacks throughout his career, including being cut from his high school basketball team. However, he used these experiences as motivation to improve and become better. Instead of letting failure discourage him, he saw it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back stronger. This is something I remember when I have setbacks in my business and have moments of wanting to throw in the towel and give up. If I really want to “Be Like Mike”, then I have to stay in the game.

2. Maintain A Strong Work Ethic: Jordan’s legendary work ethic is well-known. He consistently pushed himself to improve his skills, conditioning, and mental toughness. I mean he’s the reason Chicago was finally able to beat Detroit…Come on! He demonstrated that success requires hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. By putting in the necessary effort and being willing to work tirelessly, you can make progress toward your dreams.

3. Overcome Challenges and Adversity: Jordan faced numerous challenges, including fierce competition, injuries, and personal obstacles. However, he remained determined and focused on his goals. He showcased mental resilience and a refusal to let obstacles define him or derail his pursuit of success. When faced with challenges, remember that setbacks are temporary, and perseverance is key to overcoming them.

4. Believe in Yourself: Listen…My self-esteem has never been tested more than when I decided to become a business owner. Can I get an AMEN??! The hits that you take to your pride are no joke. Jordan had an unwavering belief in his abilities and strong self-confidence. He trusted his skills and consistently visualized success, even in challenging situations. Believing in yourself and your capabilities is crucial when faced with doubts or setbacks. Maintain a positive mindset and have confidence in your abilities to overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams.

5. Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Jordan recognized the importance of having a strong support system. He surrounded himself with teammates, coaches, and mentors who believed in him and pushed him to be his best. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive individuals can provide encouragement, guidance, and motivation when pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams. This is most easily achieved when you start networking.

6. Persevere Through Adversity: Jordan’s career was marked by resilience and perseverance. He faced intense competition, experienced heartbreaking losses, and encountered personal challenges. However, he never gave up. He consistently demonstrated a strong mental attitude, a refusal to quit, and an unwavering determination to succeed. Even when faced with difficult times, remind yourself that perseverance can lead to breakthroughs and eventual success.

7. Use Setbacks as Motivation: Jordan used any criticism or doubts as fuel to prove himself and silence his critics. He transformed setbacks and challenges into motivation to push harder and achieve greater heights. When facing setbacks or naysayers, channel that energy into fueling your determination and proving to yourself and others that you can overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams.

Michael Jordan’s journey teaches us that achieving our dreams requires resilience, perseverance, belief in oneself, and the ability to learn from failures. By embodying these qualities and maintaining an unwavering focus on your goals, you can overcome challenges and continue moving forward on the path to realizing your dreams.