In a recent interview, Charles Barkley, former NBA player and sports commentator, criticized Scottie Pippen for publicly attacking his former teammate, Michael Jordan. Barkley accused Pippen of being a phony and questioned his motives behind the attack.

The undertone of Barkley’s comments revolved around Pippen’s recent comments about Jordan in a book titled “Unguarded.” In the book, Pippen accused Jordan of being selfish and prioritizing his own success over the team’s victories. Barkley, who himself has had a rocky relationship with Jordan in the past, voiced his disagreement with Pippen’s perspective.

Barkley expressed his disappointment in Pippen’s decision to make these comments public, stating that it seemed like a desperate attempt to generate buzz and sell books. He criticized Pippen for not handling the situation privately, especially considering his long-standing relationship with Jordan.

Furthermore, Barkley questioned Pippen’s motives for attacking Jordan, suggesting that jealousy might have played a role. He indicated that Jordan’s immense popularity and success could have led Pippen to feel overshadowed and therefore prompted him to make such remarks.

Barkley’s critique extended beyond Pippen’s attack on Jordan, as he accused Pippen of hypocrisy.

He mentioned that although Pippen claimed to be a team player, he exhibited selfish behavior in the past. Barkley cited an incident during the 1994 playoffs when Pippen refused to enter the game because the final shot wasn’t designed for him, thereby abandoning his team.


In response to Pippen’s accusation that Jordan was a selfish player, Barkley defended his former teammate. He acknowledged that Jordan’s competitiveness sometimes led to him taking more shots, but emphasized that this came from a desire to win, not personal gain. Barkley credited Jordan’s leadership and ability to deliver under pressure, which ultimately contributed to their success as a team.

Barkley concluded his remarks by criticizing Pippen’s decision to focus on his personal frustrations with Jordan rather than celebrate the accomplishments they achieved together. He highlighted the importance of loyalty in sports and suggested that airing grievances publicly would only damage their legacy.


Overall, Barkley’s comments shed light on the strained relationship between Pippen and Jordan, suggesting that envy and personal insecurities may have influenced Pippen’s recent attack on his former teammate. Barkley’s critique serves as a reminder of the significance of maintaining a united front and preserving the legacy of successful teams, even in the face of personal disagreements.