Taylor Swift’s cat is living in luxury.,The “Anti-Hero” singer’s furry friend, Olivia Benson, is ranked in the top three richest pets with her net worth at $97 million, according to a report from All About Cats.Swift’s favorite feline clawed her way to the top by being featured in several commercials with the pop star for popular brands, including, Diet Coke, AT&T and DirectTV.The rankings are determined by Instagram analytics to estimate “how much each of these pets could make per Instagram,” the site stated.



Despite Olivia not having a solo Instagram account, her beloved owner has posted photos of her on social media.The description for Benson’s ranking read, “At the number three spot is Olivia Benson, the best friend and companion of artist Taylor Swift, who asks the question: is Instagram celebrity really the most profitable profession for your pet?””With a whopping $97 million net worth, Olivia has found success outside of the world of Instagram influencing. The Scottish Fold earned her fortune starring alongside her owner in several music videos, has crafted her own merchandise line, and has had cameos in many big-budget ads…”


Swift owns two other cats named Meredith Grey and Benjamin Button.Although they did not make the list, Meredith and Benjamin appeared during Swift’s 1989 World Tour in 2015 during an intermission video.Meanwhile, Olivia’s ranking fell behind German shepherd Gunther Vi, who’s reportedly worth $500 million, and Nala Cat, earning a pet net of $100 million.The Scottish Fold, however, did beat Oprah Winfrey’s dogs Sadie, Sunny, Lauren, Layla and Luke at $30 million and the late actress Betty White’s dog, Pontiac, at $5 million.Swift’s representatives did not immediately respond to FOX Business’ request for comment.