Mіchael Jordаn’s embаrrаssing tіp thаt he left for а wаitress іn Lаs Vegаs hаs аngered NBA fаns.

But he was once accused of being a lousy tipper.

Former VP of operations for Vegas’ Hard Rock Hotel, Rich Strafella, recalled a story several years ago in which MJ and former ice hockey star Wayne Gretzky were gambling together. Jordan is said to have tipped a waitress $5, prompting Gretzky to upstage him.

“I remember a night when Wayne Gretzky insulted Michael Jordan at the table,” Strafella told UrbanDaddy.com. “It was a private salon game. Michael had ordered a drink from the cocktail waitress, and he gave her a five-dollar chip.

“Wayne took it off the cocktail waitress’s tray, gave it back to Michael, grabbed a hundred-dollar chip from Michael’s stack and put it on the cocktail waitress’s tray. Then he said, “That’s how we tip in Las Vegas, Michael,’.”


Given MJ’s competitiveness, we can assume he ended up tipping the waitress a whole lot more than Gretzky.

Jordan’s penchant for gambling has been the source of a few wild stories over the years. This isn’t one of them as it’s only worth $105 that we know of, but recollections involving His Airness always make for great content.